How TurboXBT Shares Its Profits With Traders


Although TurboXBT was only launched a few weeks ago, it’s already gaining ground as the go-to short-term trading platform. This is thanks to features such as instant payouts and payout rates of up to 90%.

However, having listened to customer feedback, the team at TurboXBT have launched RevShare, an affiliate program that gives users more ways to profit.

An Overview Of RevShare

RevShare rewards users who refer people to the TurboXBT platform. However, the way it does this differs from most other affiliate programs out there. Most affiliate programs pay a one-time reward, but under the RevShare program, users earn as much as 50% of the referee’s total profit for as long as they continue to trade on TurboXBT.

While this doesn’t result in an immediate payout, over the long-term, the rewards can add up to a sizeable passive income over the long-term. Payout rates for winning a trade vary from 50% to 90%, with RevShare, TurboXBT splits up to half of the amount of a winning trade with the referer with no cap on users referred or earnings achievable.

Having crunched the numbers, the platform is capable of maintaining this reward structure. But, more importantly, for users, you have the opportunity to benefit from the success of the platform.

Signing up for RevShare is easy to do, and all it requires is a functional email address and password. But bear in mind that the affiliate program operates through a different portal than the main trading site.

Making The Most Of RevShare

The digital asset trading industry is leading the way in financial innovation. While some opportunities may come and go, RevShare’s lifetime revenue sharing model is here to stay, and the TurboXBT team encourages you to take full advantage of it.

Although still at the infancy stage, TurboXBT reports that RevShare participants as a whole are earning good profits. But some participants are more successful than others. To even things up, here are some pointers to improve results:

  • Trade on TurboXBT – that way, you understand how the platform works, which plays out in better convincing others to sign up.
  • Utilize marketing materials – customized RevShare banners are available to share on social media or your website. Find these in the creatives section of the affiliate platform.
  • Create content – blog owners and YouTubers can offer unbiased reviews of TurboXBT and embed the affiliate link in the appropriate place with a call to action.
  • Promotions – contests are proven to generate traffic and interest, which tends to increase engagement with your link.
  • Paid advertising – some affiliates pay for advertising to drive traffic to content containing their link. Others host offline events to make people aware of the deal.
  • Mention your earnings – when others see what you are making trading short-term contracts, they are often persuaded to try it for themselves.

Everyone can win with RevShare, and this is a philosophy the TurboXBT team believes in. Having seen what’s on offer, what’s stopping you from making a success of it?

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